Friday 22 May 2009

Be you ever so high the law is above you.

The late Lord Denning said the above words.
If they mean anything they mean that MPs are as subject to the law as we are.
No rules can exonerate them.
If the rules say it is all right to steal, to defraud and to embezzle, then the rules are meaningless. Such rules can be no defence in law.
If a gang of thieves get together to make rules about what they will, or will not, steal and how the proceeds are to be realised and shared, these rules will not protect them from the law.
The police will arrest them and magistrates, judges and juries will convict and condemn.
So should it be, and so should it be for our elected representatives.
In their overweening arrogance and blind disdain they think they can shrug off their guilt.
Let it not be so.
Our police, happy to gun down the innocent, will take no action until a complaint has been made.
So, really, nobody did anything wrong then?

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